Friday, November 9, 2012

Sanity Prevails in 2012

I am an old white guy and I am also a human being. I don't like rap music. I don't particularly like basketball. Though on some human level it irritated me when Barrack and Michelle Obama lapsed back into  mannerisms that I was not completely comfortable with, I have complete confidence in the demonstrated intellect, competence, and ability of President Barrack Obama to keep our country going in the right direction. Substance and performance trump style every time. And Mitt Romney had little of either.

What was most disconcerting for this old white guy, was the lack of compatibility of Conservative policy positions. The Conservative platform advocated positions that could not work together logically. And their positions, for the most part, assumed a world view and distorted reality that has long passed our country by.

We now have a global economy that must be considered. The Bloc of Brazil, Russia, India, and China is a reality. And this new reality impacts oil prices, the cost of groceries, and all things with little elasticity of demand. The micro approach to many of our problems, unless you're a corporate raider, is simply idiotic. And the good things that came out of the 60's and 70's, the social issues, though they may have been dormant, are alive again.

Finally, for anyone that doesn't appreciate how much this election demonstrated the restoration of sanity in America, just know that if the vote occurred prior to the gerrymandering by Republican state officials after the 2010 election, the Republicans would only have a scant lead in the House of Representatives. Boo-ya.

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