(1) Slash Taxes for the Wealthy and Global Corporations.
(2) Employ Republican Private Sector Vampirism through the privatization of all government programs, to redistribute all tax monies, including and especially those of the middle class and working poor to the super rich and global corporations.
(3) Reduce the vast majority of Americans to wage slaves and serfs.
One goal of the Romney/ Ryan economic plan is to slash taxes for the super rich and global corporation. They make no bones about this. And I believe that most Americans are aware of this fact. I believe that Americans differ on what they perceive to be the ramifications of doing this and the benefits to the American economy as a whole. It comes down to President Clinton's model of expanding from the middle class outward, and the "trickle down" theory employed by W. Bush. One great fallacy of the tinkle down theory is that the redistribution of American wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer will create jobs. In fact, it will stymie economic growth and job creation. And I think that the records of both presidents on job growth and budget surpluses illustrates this clearly. Clinton produced jobs and a budget surplus. Bush created few jobs and took us to the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. Remember, Bernanke stated to Bush, that if the government did not act immediately, there would be no economy on Monday morning.
I think there is one major goal of Romney's plan that most Americans are not aware of. And this cognitive perception is ingrained in Romney and comes from his days at Bain Capital. Both Romney and Ryan call for the "privatization" or elimination of virtually all government programs. Their rationalization is that the programs will be more efficient, beneficial, and cost-effective for everyone. The actual goal of doing this is for the rich and powerful to be able to get in between the monies and the beneficiaries, and extrapolate as much as they can, without the interference of pesky regulations. This will drastically reduce the amount the beneficiaries receive all the while furthering the concentration of wealth, enriching their constituents, and further depressing the US economy.
One glaring example of this Republican Private Sector Vampirism, which was corrected by President Obama, is the Federal Guaranteed Student Loan Program. Prior to Obama's action, banks- yes the same ones that we bailed out- acted as intermediaries, middle men, and took hefty profits to administer the loans. The loans represented no risk for the banks because they were still guaranteed by the Fed. Gotta love the free market. This could be construed as welfare for banks, and certainly didn't do anything to improve access to education or the economy as a whole, except to maintain or increase the pay of the Board of Directors and the CEO's of the banks. And now were back to the trickle down theory.
I am not an exceptionally smart fellow. So it should be clear to most Americans that Romney, Ryan and the vampires are salivating like Pavlov's dog at the thought of getting their hands on Social Security and Medicare. And then it goes back to Bain and cognitive perception and values.
One caveat: The argument I am proposing is further supported by the Republican attacks on teachers, firefighters, and policemen, as well as the failure of Republicans to support the US Postal Services. Cutting basic services for the vast majority of American citizens, including the elderly, students, the disabled and veterans, will create a slow chaos and make it easier for the new Caesars to fulfill their agenda and take the rest of us into the Dark Ages.
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